
This short weblog introduces Supporting Creative Minds in Urban Planning (SEMINAL) project, its main goals, and ideas. It explains why rethinking creativity in planning is crucial and what SEMINAL is set to achieve in the next two years and how. You can also find some information on the project's host, collaborators and funders.

EP.01 Why Do We Need to Talk About Creativity?

In the first episode of Seal on the Beach podcast we explore the current dominant narrative around creativity in planning and outline in detail why we think it's time to change that. We discuss what gaps in understanding of creativity in planning SEMINAL project aims to address and what future episodes will be about.

Two Takes on Creative Urbanism

'Creative urbanism' or 'creative urban planning' is not a popular phrase among either the public or the planners themselves. Yet, a handful of writings exist in planning that tried to define what creative urbanism means. In this blog, we review two accounts which are epitomes of narratives around creativity and urbanism of their time.

Imagination is the Next Victim

Imagination has become the new buzzword. Collective imagination, moral imagination, imagination infrastructuring and imagination-led design are just a number of phrases used. But why they are problematic?